About Tania Milner
Tania Milner, a South African artist based in Cape Town, uses abstract doodle drawings as a form of prayer, inspired by her country's history and academic studies at UCT.

Exploring Healing Through Art
My art is about trauma and how l dealt with my healing within myself, that l find is an ongoing process of healing one carries on learning about one self and studying new ways of healing. As a child l use to make a lot of doodle drawings, l did not know that l was self-soothing myself at the time. Now over this period of coived-19 l have found myself making doodles drawings. It was not intentional, my psyche and my intuition brought it on me making doodle drawings. In a form of abstract art. Like Buddhist monks making sand mandala in a form a meditation and prey for humanity ,so too did l make doodle drawings as a form of meditation and prayer. .
We’ve been in period of imposed isolation in Coivid -19, in 2020 that has extended into 2021, one does not know when it will end and the present will bring leaving it in God hands now.
These times are an opportunity for archiving our writing and research of the period that plays an importance where thoughts and ideas and art making has value in society in this period of history making.
My art has evolved in a period of grieving of a loss of a parent death and suffering trauma. South Africa’s people have gone through a long period trauma though a violent history of apartheid being in 26 years of democracy and having disappointments of having much change come about in the country. Over Covid-19 showed the truth of the matter that was lying dormant for the truth to come out issues of infrastructure that where not put in place for the people of South Africa then very same people who voted the new government in found that they as people where not looked after, health, hospitals and nausea. The elderly benefits, schooling, electricity to homes, water to homes and housing for the people.
South Africa in the time apartheid where Nelson Mandela lived on Robben island jail, in the ocean away from society.
Where one can see a man who was placed isolation, who was inspired to write a great book using scraps of paper and pencils. In period of being locked up in a small cell in forced isolation. So l can reach out to this grate man for inspiration
My art does have value. My voice wants to be heard and seen.
I'm doing it from an academic back ground of studies and looking from a creative one of making where the magic of making can come from a place, of a void of nothing.
“I'm a shining stare that shines in the darkness. I'm surrounded by infinity of stars. We are a collective, working separately yet together. Shining forth our brightness to illuminate you all, for one is not alone. One will know who we are when you meet us, there's star dust in our eyes.”
It comes a sad heart maturity of learning my craft, to say my goodbye to four years of studies at UCT university Michael's art school in Cape Town. It's a time that l have
made many fond memories of my self being a student on campus, making art and writing long , essays on art and humanity. I have met and made many new friends and
Mentors and teachers that have livened up my life over the period of time. The seasons have come and gone they will not be forgotten.

Tania Milner
Discover the journey of healing through abstract doodle drawings, a form of prayer, by South African artist Tania Milner based in Cape Town.
Cape Town, South Africa
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
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